
The needs of healthcare consumers are ever evolving, as are the methods and technologies used to engage them effectively. Our passion for, and deep roots in these efforts are reflected in the information we share here.

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Reverba named top 10 Patient Engagement Solution Provider of 2024

September 27, 2024

Setting the Trend with Innovative Patient Engagement Strategies By: Cheryl Lubbert, CEO, published in Medhealth Review In the healthcare landscape, patient engagement has become a critical foundational element for achieving positive health outcomes, and a range of healthcare and pharmaceutical companies turn to this important approach to incorporate the patient voice throughout their programs and…

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Building Connections for Clinical Trials: How Patients Can Improve Trial Enrollment & Engagement – Part 3

August 26, 2024

Part 3 of 3: Engaging patients before, during and after the clinical process This blog is part 3 of a series on the impact and benefits of patient involvement with the clinical trial process –  patient willingness to participate in trials, what they can contribute beyond their role as study participant and how to most…

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Building Connections for Clinical Trials: How Patients Can Improve Trial Enrollment & Engagement – Part 2  

August 20, 2024

By: Clinical Partnerships Team Part 2 of 3: How patients can improve clinical trial design This blog is part 2 of a series on the impact and benefits of patient involvement with the clinical trial process –  patient willingness to participate in trials, what they can contribute beyond their role as a study participant and…

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Building Connections for Clinical Trials: How Patients Can Improve Trial Enrollment & Engagement – Part 1

August 13, 2024

By: Clinical Partnerships Team Once a promising new drug candidate reaches the clinic, many R&D challenges have already been overcome. But the goal of the clinical trial process to produce quality data brings a new set of challenges. The process of enrolling patients—finding not only the number of patients needed to participate, but the right…

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Podcast: Patient engagement throughout the product life cycle

August 7, 2024

Take a listen to this thought-provoking podcast as our CEO, Cheryl Lubbert shares her insights with pharmaphorum on best practices for engaging patients from pre-clinical through commercialization stages and beyond. Listen here In the podcast, Reverba CEO Cheryl Lubbert joins host Jonah Comstock to walk through the steps of the product life cycle and…

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Rainbow flags are flying: Three ways to include diversity in your clinical program

June 4, 2024

By: Clinical Trial Partnerships If you are planning clinical trials, Pride Month is the perfect time to take a close look at your diversity initiatives to be sure they encompass inclusion of LGBTQ+ patients in clinical trials. This is an important goal that carries unique challenges. Recent studies reveal that LGBTQ+ community members experience healthcare…

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Unicorns do Exist: Finding the Right Patients for Clinical Trials

May 31, 2024

By: Clinical Partnerships Team It’s no secret that patient recruitment is critical for a successful clinical trial. From first patient/first dose to data lock, everything rests on enrolling (and retaining) enough participants. Otherwise, costs go up, and so does demand on resources. Treatments take longer to get to market or—worse yet—the trial gets cancelled. But…

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How to Make Your Clinical Trial the Trial of Choice: When You Want to Get to Market Faster, Meeting Every Milestone Matters.

May 23, 2024

By: Reverba Clinical Partnerships Team From first patient/first dose to data lock, everything depends on recruiting and retaining clinical trial participants. That can be quite challenging. A 2022 editorial in Clinical Trials Arena noted that the biggest reason for trial termination is low accrual rates which have accounted for 25.4% of all terminated trials. The good…

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Clinical Trials Day: May 20th

May 20, 2024

Today is Clinical Trials Day –a day where clinical trial awareness is raised and we honor clinical research professionals across the globe. In tribute, we are pleased to showcase a recent article in MedCityNews where a Health Stories Project® research study was cited, revealing that 97% of patients believe that their voice is key for…

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Reverba Completes Acquisition of Six Degrees Worldwide to Unite Science and the Patient Voice to Advance Healthcare

April 2, 2024

SEATTLE, WA – Reverba, renowned for its innovative patient engagement solutions for biopharmaceutical companies, today announced the acquisition of Six Degrees Worldwide Inc., a leader in medical communications within the same industry. The acquisition is poised to help Reverba and its clients continue to bridge the gap between science and real-life patient experiences. Reverba’s acquisition will…

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HBA Rising Star: Crystal Anderson

March 20, 2024

By: Cheryl Lubbert We’re thrilled to announce the Healthcare Businesswomen’s Association (HBA) recently named Crystal Anderson, MPH, VP, Client Partner Lead as one of its 2024 Rising Stars. Crystal joins a noteworthy group of healthcare professionals recognized for their leadership and significant contributions to their organization – all in the first 15 to 20 years…

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A senior African American man speaking with a loan officer

Treatments for All: The Importance of Diversity in Clinical Trial Enrollment

March 5, 2024

By:  Scott Lerman, VP, Partnerships Lead We start, as many stories do, with a personal anecdote.    I love this photo. It’s of my grandmother and my father, taken at my Bar Mitzvah more than 40 years ago. Our family lore ultimately deemed this day my grandmother’s “last good day.” She passed away a little less…

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A man and a woman in business attire looking at a laptop screen

Knock Down Internal Silos and Add More Value To The Patient Voice

February 16, 2024

By:  Jean McCoy EVP  Reverba Partnerships When it comes to listening to patients, clinical and consumer marketing tends to remain in separate silos. But incorporating the patient voice can make a positive impact at every point from pre-clinical development through commercialization and post-marketing. Doing so can help companies align their goals and programs with patients’…

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A woman recording a video with her phone on a tripod

“The secret to successful patient influencer marketing? Authenticity”

January 31, 2024

Published in pharmaphorum By: Cheryl Lubbert, Co-Founder and CEO Reverba  It may not be as straightforward as it is in the realms of fast fashion or tourism, but influencer marketing, especially on social media, is still an attractive avenue in the pharma world. Pharma companies strive to connect with patients, and what better way to…

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Healthcare Business Review magazine's cover story of Reverba

Reverba: Amplifying Patient Voices In Healthcare

November 16, 2023

Published in Healthcare Business Review By: Cheryl Lubbert, Co-Founder and CEO While patient-focused drug development (PFDD) is the aspirational goal for every pharmaceutical company, achieving it is often more complex than anticipated. The main reason is many pharma companies view PFDD as a technological maneuver when rolling out patient engagement initiatives. Fully adopting it necessitates a…

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The Stevie Awards for Women in Business - Mentor or Coach of the Year - Cheryl Lubbert

Reverba CEO and Co-Founder Cheryl Lubbert Wins 2023 Silver Stevie® Award for Women in Business

November 13, 2023

– Awards recognize female entrepreneurs, executives and employees who are making positive contributions to their workplace and to the greater community – SEATTLE, WA, Nov. 13, 2023 – Reverba, a leading global patient engagement company, today announced that Cheryl Lubbert, Chief Executive Officer, has won the Silver Stevie® Award for Women in Business in the Mentor of the Year…

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A woman smiling in front of her laptop

Survey: 3 Surprising Things BioPharma Can Learn about Patients’ Perceptions

November 2, 2023

By Jean McCoy Reverba EVP, Partnerships Perception is reality, as the saying goes. But sometimes, we can be too entrenched in our daily routine, entrenched in our field, and we can miss key factors that could change the way we think about what we do day to day. We recently conducted two parallel surveys that,…

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Globee Business Awards - Women Leaders in Business Winner Cheryl Lubbert

Reverba Co-Founder and CEO Cheryl Lubbert named Women Leaders in Business Gold Globee® Winner

October 18, 2023

– Awards recognize individuals and women-led organizations who have demonstrated extraordinary dedication and innovation – SEATTLE – October 18, 2023 – Reverba, a leading global patient engagement company, today announced that Cheryl Lubbert, Co-Founder and CEO, has been recognized as a Women Leaders in Business Gold Globee® Winner, for her contributions and role in creating…

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A young healthcare working speaking with another woman about her age

Authenticity In An Automated World: Surprising Guidance From Healthcare

October 10, 2023

Published in Forbes By: Cheryl Lubbert, Forbes Councils Member When faced with online customer service “agents” who don’t have real answers or solutions for specific problems, email responses that don’t sound quite human and videos that could be deceptive altered deepfakes, consumers increasingly have questions about what is real. In a world of growing automation…

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Happy Pride Month logo

Embrace the Rainbow: Three Tips to Make DEI Foundational In Your Clinical Program

June 20, 2023

By: Jean McCoy Diversity in clinical trials is a hot-button topic, with attention and programs ranging from legislation (both proposed and passed) to industry conference panels and required continuing education for healthcare professionals. While these initiatives usually address “underrepresented communities,” in practice, they often refer to increasing participation among racial and ethnic groups. During Pride…

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Reverba Maintains Commitment to Patient Data Security and Privacy with Ongoing SOC 2®, Type II Certification

April 18, 2023

SOC 2 certification aligns Reverba with world-class organizations achieving the highest level of security and compliance for data management for service organizations – SEATTLE – April 20, 2023 – Reverba, a leading global patient engagement company, announces that it has successfully reaffirmed the Service Organization Control (SOC) 2, Type II certification for 2023, completing this important…

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A video conference call

The Patient Voice: Industry and Advocates Speak in Harmony

March 31, 2023

By: Jean McCoy A generation ago, HIV/AIDS patients had to “Act Up” to be heard. A recent virtual summit shows how much has changed since the days of that pioneering patient advocacy group. At the Global Innovation in Patient Advocacy conference, one theme echoed throughout multiple presentations by patient advocates and industry representatives alike: it’s important to…

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Rare Disease Day ribbon

How Can We Have More Successful Rare Disease Trials?

February 28, 2023

By: Reverba Clinical Partnerships Team More than 300 million people around the world live with a rare disease—that is, a condition that affects fewer than 1 in 2,000. Although each of these estimated 5,000 to 7,000 or more rare diseases affects a relatively small number of individuals, the impact on those patients’ lives is significant.…

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A young female doctor speaking with an older patient

Be the Trial of Choice: patient insights on how to establish trust, elevate the experience, and increase diversity

January 31, 2023

By: Reverba Clinical Partnerships Team We have all made New Year’s resolutions – some we keep, and some never come to fruition. What are your goals as an organization? You have an investigative product that can impact lives globally, but do you have the right plan and partners in place to reach your patients and…

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Young female doctors talking

Patient Engagement: What Matters Most in 2023

January 25, 2023

By: Cheryl Lubbert Think about 2022 – what stands out to you the most? For me, it’s how often we heard that things were “returning to normal” after two years of global pandemic. Yes, many events were in-person once again and lots of companies began pushing for people to return to the office, but have…

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Reverba Celebrates 20 Years of Amplifying Patient Voices

October 10, 2022

– 20th Anniversary demonstrates Reverba has the staying power and adaptability to continue leading the way in patient engagement solutions for life sciences companies – SEATTLE – October 10, 2022 – Reverba, a leading global patient engagement company, announces the celebration of its 20th Anniversary. This marks two decades of empowering people to share their…

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A lit sparkler

It’s Our Anniversary: 20 Years, 20 Reasons to Believe

October 10, 2022

By: Cheryl Lubbert Today, we turn 20. Sixteen may be sweet, but twenty means so much more when you’re talking about the lifetime of a company. In an age of flash-in-the-pan startups, building a company that doesn’t just last – but one that grows, thrives, and defines the industry it’s a part of – is…

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HBA Rising Star: Stephanie Hayes

March 22, 2022

By: Cheryl Lubbert As a pioneer in patient engagement, Reverba wouldn’t be where it is today without a talented team of individuals in roles spanning the organization. Every so often, though, someone truly sets themselves apart as the kind of transformational leader that attracts the recognition of the healthcare industry at large. Stephanie Hayes is…

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Health Perspectives Group becomes Reverba

November 10, 2021

Entering the company’s 20th year, this new chapter represents the next level of transformativetech-enabled patient engagement for the biopharmaceutical industry – SEATTLE – November 10, 2021 – Health Perspectives Group, a leader in patient engagement, today announced its name change to Reverba. The name change reflects the firm’s evolution into a new type of global…

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